Diabetes News – March 2023

National Nutrition Month

This month we are celebrating National Nutrition Month. 春天来了,很快我们又可以出去享受阳光了! 用有营养的食物给你的身体补充能量是为一个明亮的夜晚做准备的好方法, fun, and active spring! 这个庆祝活动是由营养与饮食学会创建的,以帮助提高人们对营养对整体必威betwat重要性的认识,以及营养专家如何, known as Registered Dietitians (RD), 能帮助你了解如何以一种支持你必威betwat的方式喂养你的身体吗. 营养师可以帮助你整理你可能在网上遇到的令人困惑的营养信息,并与你一起设定小的, manageable goals that get you one step closer to feeling your best!

For instance, 在与营养师的预约中,你可以学会:在家计划和烹饪必威betwat的饭菜, read food labels and choose healthy foods at the grocery store, use nutrition to manage your diabetes, or make better choices when dining out. 本月与家庭必威betwat服务部的RD预约,了解更多关于食物如何影响你的必威betwat和日常生活的信息! 以下是一些目标,如果你还在犹豫是否要预约,你可以期望rd帮助你将其纳入成功的行动计划:

Get to Know Food Labels

Ever wonder what the numbers in the Nutrition Facts panel really mean? Or the difference between “reduced fat” and “low fat”? 美国食品和药物管理局对如何使用食品标签上的术语有严格的指导方针, and RDs are all well-versed in navigating these terms.

Be Active

有规律的体育活动可以降低血压,帮助你的身体控制压力. Start by doing what exercise you can for at least 10 minutes at a time. 儿童和青少年每天应该进行60分钟或更长时间的体育活动, and adults should get two hours and 30 minutes per week. 你不必去健身房——晚饭后散散步,或者打一场接球或篮球. RD可以帮助你调整你的膳食和零食,以提高运动效果和恢复.

Eat Enough Fiber

天然纤维是饮食整体质量的重要指标. Men need up to 34 grams per day and women need up to 28 grams per day. Not only do fiber-filled foods fill you up, fiber also helps to moderate cholesterol and promote a healthy weight. 注册营养师可以帮助你学会估计每天从必威betwat来源(如水果)摄入的纤维量, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds.

Pump up the Flavor

If your first meal on your wellness mission is plain steamed veggies, brown rice and bland baked chicken, there is little enjoyment to help you stick to the new meal plan. 虽然大多数美国人可以从减少钠摄入量中受益,但我们不需要追随无聊的潮流. 拥有丰富的经验,帮助人们探索提高食物风味的方法, RDs often suggest using herbs, spices, citrus juice and zest, garlic, seasoning blends and hot sauce to pump up the taste. Herbs and spices may also offer additional phytochemicals.

Stay Hydrated

整天喝水让我们精力充沛,帮助我们不把口渴和饥饿混为一谈. Our fluid needs vary day to day, 喝足够的水来保持你的尿液苍白是知道你有足够的水分的最好方法. 用冰冻的水果做冰块,或者加入新鲜的香草,让事情变得有趣, cinnamon sticks or citrus.

Don’t be Afraid to Enjoy Food

Health and wellness is a journey. It is what you do most of the time that impacts your long-term health. Total abstinence from treat foods is not sustainable. 对款待感到内疚会削弱体验中的快乐,并削弱你坚持目标的能力.

Whether you want to lower your cholesterol or simply eat better, 咨询专家-注册营养师-他们可以通过提供声音来帮助你, 易于遵循的个性化营养建议,让你走上必威betwat饮食的道路,降低患慢性病的风险.

Content Source: “在注册营养师的帮助下制定明智的生活方式目标”(美国营养与饮食学会) http://www.eatright.org/health/wellness/healthful-habits/set-smart-lifestyle-goals-with-the-help-of-a-registered-dietitian-nutritionist



The Diet-Betus -我们这个月的食谱版本同样美味,但在这里和那里进行了必威betwat的调整. Packed with vitamin C, calcium, 芝麻酱西葫芦的纤维会给你的身体提供所需的能量,让你感觉良好. 它是烤鸡的绝佳配菜,也可以与夏季烤蔬菜搭配.

Tahini Zucchini Stir Fry

Servings: 1

Prep Time: 10 minutes


  • Ingredients:
  • 1 zucchini, diced
  • 3 oz extra firm tofu, cut into cubes
  • 1/2 tbsp low sodium soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp tahini


  1. Instructions:
  2. 将西葫芦、豆腐和低钠酱油放入平底锅中,中火加热
  3. Simmer until zucchini is tender
  4. Place into a bowl and drizzle with tahini


  • Calories: 162 kcals, Total fat: 9g, Saturated fat: 1g, Cholesterol: 0mg, Sodium: 12%, Potassium: 23%, Total Carbs: 10 g, Fiber: 4g, Protein: 12g, Vitamin C: 58%, Calcium 21%, Iron: 16%


Community offerings: *

由于冠状病毒/COVID - 19,许多社区产品已经更改,推迟或取消.


Diabetes Empowerment Education Program (DEEP)

COST: Free

CONTACT: Tina Ellinger 419-624-1856

糖尿病赋权教育项目(DEEP)每周三举办,为期六周. Good attendance is important. 这个免费的程序是为糖尿病患者,糖尿病前期,和配偶或照顾者的糖尿病. 60岁或以上的伊利县居民,请致电419-624-1856登记.

Diabetes Support Group – Firelands Regional Medical Center

The Diabetes Support Group presented by Jean Feick CNP, CDE, 每月九月至十一月及一月至五月的第三个星期三下午十二时至一时举行. This meeting is free to the public and no registration is required. 欢迎与会者在医院自助餐厅购买午餐,并参加相邻的自助餐厅会议#1. A different topic will be reviewed each month. 如有任何疑问,请致电419-557-6992与糖尿病教育部门必威betway中文版.


HEALTH & WELLNESS SCREENING – offered by Firelands Regional Medical Center

You must Pre-register for all Lab Work at 419-557-7840.

Sandusky Health & Wellness

  • Firelands Sandusky HealthCare Center
    2520 Columbus Ave.
    Sandusky, OH 44870
    Saturday, Aug 13
    7:00 am to 9:30 pm
  • Firelands Sandusky HealthCare Center
    2520 Columbus Ave.
    Sandusky, OH 44870
    Saturday, Sep 10
    7:00 am to 9:30 pm
  • Firelands Sandusky HealthCare Center
    2520 Columbus Ave.
    Sandusky, OH 44870
    Saturday, Nov 5
    7:00 am to 9:30 pm
  • Firelands Sandusky HealthCare Center
    2520 Columbus Ave.
    Sandusky, OH 44870
    Saturday, Dec 3
    7:00 am to 9:30 pm

Health & Wellness Screenings include:

  • Complete Blood Count with Metabolic & 脂质小组(12小时不吃不喝,允许喝水)包括肝肾功能研究, fasting blood sugar, thyroid, cholesterol, HDL/LDL, and triglyceride levels along with a complete blood count.) – $45
  • Hemoglobin A1C (Three-month report on blood sugars; results used to diagnose diabetes and/or to evaluate how well your treatment plan is working.) – $25
  • PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen)- $30
  • Vitamin D – $35
  • TSH – $25

Please comply with the following COVID-19 precautions:

  1. Wear a mask
  2. Have your temperature taken upon arrival
  3. Follow social distancing practices

Please note:

Patients will not be allowed to enter until their scheduled time. Walk-ins will not be accepted. 除非病人需要陪同人员的协助,否则只有已登记的病人才可进入检查. 我们无法执行上述列表中未包含的任何其他医生要求的测试.

Contact: Centralized Scheduling at 419-557-7840 to pre-register

糖化血红蛋白测试,也被称为糖化血红蛋白或糖化血红蛋白测试,是一项简单的血液测试,测量你过去3个月的平均血糖水平. It’s one of the commonly used tests to diagnose prediabetes and diabetes, 也是帮助你和你的医疗团队管理你的糖尿病的主要测试. Higher A1C levels are linked to diabetes complications, 所以如果你患有糖尿病,达到并保持你的糖化血红蛋白目标是非常重要的.

Last month, 64% of our diabetic patients had an A1C of less than 9%. Talk with your provider at your next visit about the right options for you! Schedule an appointment: 419-502-2800